Are You On The Narrow Path?
According to Jesus, not many people are actually going to Heaven when they die or when Jesus returns (and according to God's word and what's been happening in the world, that time doesn't appear to be too far off). In Matthew 7:13-14, Jesus says, Though many people today would say they are "Christians" and churches all over the world are filled with people on Sunday, this does not necessarily mean they are "saved" and on their way to Heaven.
"13 You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." Matthew 7:13-14
It's Narrow, But Totally Accessible
The Bible tells us that we were created in God’s image and that we are more than just flesh and blood. Like God, we are also spiritual beings that will live forever. The bottom line is that when our physical body dies, we are going to spend eternity somewhere. We are either going to spend eternity living with our creator in a very real place called Heaven, where there is no pain or problems and we get to live in constant fellowship with the one who thought us up before He set the world in place among the stars, or we are going to spend eternity in a very real place called Hell, a place that was meant for Satan and his followers, not people.
Jesus said that the path to life, eternal life in that very real place called Heaven with the creator of the universe, is VERY narrow, and that FEW people ever find it. In a study by the George Barna Group, only 1% of the more than 17,000 people followed in the study, ever made it to the point in their spiritual journey that would suggest they were truly “saved” according to the teachings found in the Bible. This seems to confirm Jesus’ words that few ever find what we call “salvation”! The findings of this study, though a bit disturbing, do seem to line up perfectly with Jesus' statement that few ever find the narrow path that leads to Heaven.
The reality here is that few find the path that leads to eternal life with God, and many (if not most) people unfortunately CHOOSE the wide highway that leads to Hell, The good (no GREAT) news is that YOU CAN FIND THE PATH TO SALVATION, and YOU CAN INDEED BE SURE THAT WHEN YOU DIE, YOU WILL MEET JESUS face to face and live with Him forever in a place the Father made for Himself and those who will choose the narrow path. YOU CAN BE SAVED! Though the path may indeed be narrow, it is totally accessible to everyone!
The question is, “Do YOU know where you are going to spend eternity when your physical body gives out? Are you ON the NARROW PATH?